Why Try Cryoskin Therapy in 2025
January 5, 2025
Thanksgiving is a great holiday if you love getting together with friends and family—and sharing lots of tasty food. But eating too much can leave you feeling too sluggish to really appreciate the time you get to spend with people you love. Making time to work out before Thanksgiving and planning to take a walk after dinner can boost your metabolism, aid in digestion, and keep you from crashing so that you can make the most of your night.
When you start Thanksgiving Day off with a workout, you’re setting yourself up for success when the big meal hits the table. Exercising helps you burn calories, which means you’ll go into dinner with a caloric deficit that can help limit weight gain. It also provides a boost to your metabolism, which can help your body digest food properly and cut down on feelings of bloat.
Don’t feel like you have to overdo it to “earn” your Thanksgiving meal—a short but sweet workout should do the trick just fine. Even on stricter diet plans, you should plan to have an occasional cheat day where you eat more calories than normal. Thanksgiving can be your cheat day, and as long as you get back to your regular habits after the fact, it won’t have any major impact on your goals for weight loss.
Even if you wind up feeling good and stuffed after your Thanksgiving feast, you can also make time for a quick workout after to get things moving. Going for a walk after dinner will keep your metabolism going, give you an energy boost heading into the rest of the evening, and can even be an opportunity to share time with family and catch up.
Thanksgiving is a wonderful occasion to reflect on all the things that make your life great. And if you want more reasons to feel good about yourself, Livingston County Chiropractic Center is excited to offer options like our Ideal Protein Weight Loss program and Whole Body Medical Wellness. To learn about these and services like chiropractic care, schedule an appointment online, call us at 815-844-4631, or come visit us in Pontiac, IL.