April 7, 2021

Your Chiropractor’s Stress Relief Tips

In day-to-day life, stress is unavoidable. Add in living during a pandemic for the last year, and it’s only worse! Mental health conditions such as stress and anxiety have increased over the last year, and as April is Stress Awareness Month, it’s the perfect time to learn how chiropractic can help. Here are our tips for natural stress and anxiety relief.

The Stress/Spine Connection

At Livingston County Chiropractic Center, our chiropractors are well-equipped to help you release some stress and to provide you with tools to help manage it. But how can we help? Your spine is a key component of the central nervous system, which is the body’s communication system. When your spine is healthy, your brain and body are better able to communicate, so you will likely see an improvement in your overall health and wellness.

Targeted, effective, and gentle chiropractic adjustments are used to remove dysfunction and correct subluxations in the spine and joints which lead to pain relief and wellness. Many of our patients report feeling more relaxed after as little as one adjustment! Whether it’s pain relief, stress relief, or general wellness you are seeking, our experienced chiropractors will create a custom treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Natural Stress Relief Tips

Along with regular chiropractic care, there are many easy steps you can take to help relieve and manage stress. Here are a few:

  • Get Moving: If you are feeling overwhelmed and anxious, exercise may be the last thing you want to do. But staying active gives a boost to the production of endorphins, which are the brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters. Even a quick walk around your neighborhood can help clear your head, lift your mood, and improve your help. For more suggestions on at-home exercises, just ask during your next adjustment.
  • Meditate: Meditation may not be for everyone and it may seem challenging to get into, but even spending a few moments each morning to set your intentions or just focusing on your breath can help put your mind at ease.
  • Laugh!: We know you’ve heard it before — laughter is the best medicine! Tune into your favorite comedy, pull up the latest hilarious viral video on your phone, or give your favorite funny friend a call. Laughter is well-known to relieve stress and relax muscles.

There are many reasons why people experience stress and anxiety, but you don’t have to go through life suffering through it. To learn more about how chiropractic care can help relieve stress and anxiety, click here to contact your local Pontiac, IL chiropractor.