Why Try Cryoskin Therapy in 2025
January 5, 2025
The new year is underway, and you’ve no doubt already begun undertaking new resolutions. If better health and fitness are among your healthy lifestyle goals, staying hydrated is absolutely essential. If you’re not drinking enough water, you’re putting your body at a disadvantage and could be setting yourself back in more ways than just feeling thirsty.
The majority of the human body is made up of water, so it should stand to reason that water is important to keep us going. Saying that staying hydrated is important is something of an understatement, because we simply cannot function without regular water intake.
The benefits of drinking enough water bear this out, especially if you’re striving to be more active in 2023. When you sweat, your body loses water that needs to be replenished. If you don’t drink water before, during, and after your workouts, you’re making it harder for your body to recover and heal. This can increase instances and duration of muscle soreness and joint pain. It can also increase your risk of injury.
Even beyond the gym, staying hydrated is essential. With the right water intake, you’ll feel more energized, have better focus, and may even experience better moods. That’s everything you need to get through your workday, and all without overreliance on caffeine and sugar.
You’re probably familiar with the general rule that eight glasses of water is the standard for staying hydrated. But like so many other things related to the human body, it’s not quite so one-size-fits-all. Every person has different needs, so figuring out how much water you should drink a day isn’t an exact science.
Some experts recommend that you should drink closer to 11-16 cups of water a day depending on factors like gender, weight, and activity. It’s also important to understand that this includes water taken in from other sources, including coffee, tea, fruit, and vegetables.
What’s the best way to figure out how much water you should drink a day? Start with that general rule—drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day and see how you feel. Your best bet is to sip constantly throughout the day and use a refillable water bottle so that you can track your intake. Plus, getting up for refills can help you stay active.
If living a healthier lifestyle is high on your to-do list in 2023, the team at Livingston County Chiropractic in Pontiac, IL, can help. Request your appointment or call us at (815) 844-4631 to learn about our products in services including our Whole Body Medical Wellness program.