Why Try Cryoskin Therapy in 2025
January 5, 2025
Staying healthy is hard, especially during the holidays. When it comes to health and wellness, exercise is usually the first thing to be pushed aside when shopping, traveling or attending holiday events. Here are our tips to help you accomplish your fitness goals & enjoy the benefits of exercise.
Make plans ahead and reschedule your workout whenever possible if your busy week prevents you from staying on top of your routine. If you cannot fit exercise into your regular daily routine, give yourself some extra time in the morning by setting your alarm clock 30 minutes earlier than usual. Then, in that additional 30 minutes, get your day started by taking a brisk walk in the morning. Not only is it a great way to get in some exercise, but it also helps clear your mind and stay healthy.
Exercise is still important even if you’re not hitting the gym as regularly as you usually do. For example, try some calf raises when standing in line at the grocery store or waiting on your turkey to cook. Bodyweight exercises can be incorporated while vacuuming or doing other household chores, such as walking, lunges or squats. Don’t forget to use your legs when carrying decorations or grocery and shopping bags, and if you are able, do a few bicep curls! While these suggestions may seem silly, any movement is beneficial to your body and gets you one step closer to your fitness goals.
No matter where you are for the holidays, keeping your body active is easy, and everyone can get involved! Get everyone together by organizing a walk in the park, a sunset stroll, or even a fun holiday-themed 5k. Staying active by participating in outdoor activities is a beautiful way to spend time with the people you love and enjoy the benefits of exercise.
Being active during the holidays can be difficult, especially when you are busy and rushed. The challenge becomes even more significant when chronic pain is present, or mobility issues arise. However, our bodies were designed to be mobile, so problems like immobility, back pain, and neck pain shouldn’t stop us from doing the things we love. Livingston County Chiropractic can help! Chiropractic care improves flexibility and mobility, enables you to maintain good alignment, and relieves pain to stay healthy. To get started, just click here to request an appointment with your local Livingston County chiropractor.