Why Try Cryoskin Therapy in 2025
January 5, 2025
No matter what time of year it is, it’s important to drink water, but especially during the hot months of summer. As we spend more time outdoors and in the water, we tend to forget to actually drink more water. He’res why staying hydrated is so important for the health of your spine and body.
Your Health and Hydration
The human body is made up of about 65% water, so it’s no surprise that drinking water is important. Many body functions depend on proper hydration and every single cell in the body requires water to function optimally. Water does a lot for the body including:
Regulates temperature
Carries nutrients and oxygen to cells
Makes nutrients and minerals accessible by helping to dissolve them
Moistens tissues (like your eyes, nose, and mouth)
Flushes out waste products in the liver and kidneys
Prevents constipation and increases ease of bowel movements
Lubricates the joints
Protects organs and body tissues
Assists in the metabolism process
There is so much that water does for the body, and this list is just the start but it does give you an idea of how important water is for your health.
Spinal Health and Hydration
Hydration is also extremely important for the health and functioning of your spine. Spinal discs are made up almost entirely of water, but they are unable to absorb water in the same way the rest of the body does. Spinal discs receive water and nutrition through inhibition. Imbibition is a process that results when proper motion between the joints around each spinal disc takes place. This motion creates a pump-like effect that moves nutrition in and out of the discs, which means hydration is required for nutrient delivery.
How Much Water Do You Need to Stay Hydrated?
The old rule of thumb for water consumption was to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day. But every person is different, so different bodies have different needs. Instead, make a goal to consume half your body weight in ounces. So, if you weigh 180 pounds, you should drink 90 ounces of water each day. Keep in mind that coffee and alcohol are diuretics that can dehydrate the body, so if you consume them on a regular basis, consider adding more water to your daily intake.
Livingston County Chiropractic Center
Spinal restrictions and misalignments can have a negative effect on the imbibition process, which means spinal discs may not get the nutrients they need if the spine isn’t healthy. If those discs aren’t properly hydrated, it can lead to disc degeneration which causes instability and spinal decay. When the spine is unhealthy, it directly impacts the central nervous system, which communicates with every cell, organ, and system in the body. So, if not properly hydrated, the health of the entire body suffers. With regular chiropractic care, proper alignment is restored and subluxations are removed. This improves the imbibition process an is a great step to take in helping your body better absorb water and stay healthy. In the summer months, it’s especially important to stay hydrated. So remember to drink plenty of water and visit Livingston County Chiropractic Center in Pontiac, IL for your chiropractic needs. Just click here to request an appointment today!