June 7, 2018

Chiropractic Care as an Alternative to Opioid Use

A Smarter Alternative to Pain Management

It’s no secret the United States is in the midst of a major opioid crisis, with over 2 million Americans now dependent on or abusing the pain pills. It’s a problem seen across many demographics, and regardless of how the pills got in their hands, millions are learning the severe consequences the hard way. For many suffering dependence or drug addiction, it all started with something very common: pain.

More than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, putting a growing emphasis on treatment options. As a nation, multiple resources are being allocated to combat the opioid issue and prominent healthcare figures are advocating for others to rethink the way we approach pain management, placing a spotlight on non-pharmacological therapies.

Opioids do help with pain. At first. They provide a quick-fix but, without additional treatment methods, do nothing more than mask critical pain signals your body is sending. Outside of potential addiction or dependence, when taking opioids patients can begin to believe their conditions are less severe than they really are and risk injuring themselves even further.

Here are 5 key reasons to consider chiropractic care as a first line of pain defense:

• Chiropractic care is non-invasive and drug-free, mitigating the risk of drug addiction, dependence, or harmful side effects.
• Evidence shows, chiropractic therapies reduce pain in musculoskeletal injuries, such as chronic neck and back pain.
• Rather than mask symptoms, chiropractic care aims to address the underlying causes of pain and resolve them for long-lasting pain relief.
• Chiropractic care costs significantly less than cyclical medical treatments.
• A 2018 study linked the use of chiropractic care with a 55% reduction in the need to fill an opioid prescription.

Stay informed and be sure to ask your doctor questions about all treatment options. While reports of patients turning to non-pharmaceutical treatments is on the rise, there are plenty of Americans continuing the use of Opioids for pain. Chiropractors are ready to help provide safe and effective care options to patients in pain.