Why Try Cryoskin Therapy in 2025
January 5, 2025
If you are looking forward to celebrating your first Father’s Day, you’re probably experiencing a whirlwind of emotions — joy, fear, sleep deprivation, and just about everything in between. You’ve also probably heard a lot of advice. We’ve noticed one piece that new parents seem to ignore is prioritizing their own health. When there’s a new little one in the mix, it can be easy to skip over your own needs. Your back, in particular, takes on a lot of added stress with the new arrival, so be sure to give your back the TLC it needs to keep you healthy and strong. Here are a few tips to keep in mind so you can enjoy a happy and healthy Father’s Day.
Get Some Rest
This one will probably be hard to do for some time, but try to rest when you can. When your body doesn’t get the restful sleep it needs, all of the muscles in your body get tired. When this happens, your lower back is typically the area that picks up the slack and takes on more work than it should. This ends up leading to pain and even long-term injury.
Lift With Your Legs
You may think this advice is reserved for lifting heavy objects like furniture, but that tiny baby is going to get big…and fast! To protect your back and maintain spinal health over time, now is the time to get used to lifting properly. Avoid stooping over at the waist and remember to bend with your knees. This is true for things like picking up your baby and changing diapers. Try to use a surface that prevents you from being in a bent-over position while changing your little one. It might not seem like much now, but try to imagine after a few thousand diapers!
Get Adjusted
Parenthood is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world. It’s also one of the toughest. Make things easier on yourself by maintaining regular chiropractic care. When you see the chiropractors at Livingston County Chiropractic Center regularly, you can help keep your back in proper and natural alignment. Our experienced chiropractors use spinal manipulations to align the vertebrae of the spine. Those misalignments often cause issues like pain, so regular adjustments will keep you in better shape overall.
In order to be your healthiest and best parent your child, you have to take the time to take care of yourself. Start by adding chiropractic care to your healthcare routine. To learn more about your local Pontiac, IL chiropractor, click here to contact us.