Why Try Cryoskin Therapy in 2025
January 5, 2025
When you think of osteoporosis, you probably imagine an older woman. This demographic certainly suffers from osteoporosis, but anyone of any age can show signs of the disease. As this week is Bone and Joint Health Action Week, now is a great time to learn more about osteoporosis and chiropractic. Here’s what you need to know.
Osteoporosis 101
Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens the bones and causes them to lose mass. This can lead to more easily fractured or broken bones, pain, general weakness, and increasingly bad posture.
It affects around 20 million people and the worst part is that most people aren’t even aware they have it. Unless it is causing you discomfort or physical symptoms, you may not be aware of the weakening of your bones. By the time symptoms are present, the disease is often advanced making it much more difficult to treat or reverse.
Osteoporosis Treatment
By the time osteoporosis is diagnosed, the usual course of action is a change of diet and possibly medication. If it’s at that point, the patient will require high amounts of calcium and specific bone-strengthening medication. As is often true, the best treatment is prevention.
Osteoporosis Prevention
These steps aren’t guaranteed, but if practiced, they may help keep osteoporosis away. The first is to focus on eating a healthy and well-rounded diet. High amounts of calcium can help keep bones strong. Regular exercise is also important as it keeps the body healthier overall. You know that weightlifting strengthens muscles, but did you know it can help increase bone density. Another great way to prevent osteoporosis is to get regular chiropractic adjustments.
How Livingston County Chiropractic Can Help
Our chiropractors can help keep your bodies healthy and strong – including your bones! By maintaining proper alignment in the spine, aches, pains, and other injuries in the bones are prevented. We also may be able to detect an issue early on, which gives you a chance to get the help you need before the disease progresses. Our chiropractors also promote a preventative and healthy lifestyle, so regular care can benefit you in several ways.
To learn more about how chiropractic can help keep your musculoskeletal system healthy, click here to contact your local Pontiac, IL chiropractor.