Why Try Cryoskin Therapy in 2025
January 5, 2025
As the winter months approach, many of us are thinking about cold and flu season…as if a pandemic isn’t enough! These viruses may be out there all year round, but more time indoors and the fact that the influenza virus is happier in cold, dry weather makes us more susceptible to coming down with illness. Plus the stress the body is under as the holidays approach is no help!
When we refer to stress here, we don’t mean coordinating family time, managing work schedules, and buying gifts. We mean the stress of being subluxated, or spinal misalignments. Our body’s ability to defend itself is essential to avoiding a cold. Here’s how to prepare your immune system to do just that.
Modify Your Diet
To support a strong immune system, feed your body a well-rounded diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Avoid sugary foods and focus on vitamin and antioxidant-rich food which better prepare your body to fight off illness.
Stay Active
You might think staying home on your couch all day will keep you safe, but a sedentary lifestyle is no way to strengthen your immune system. Staying active will give your body a much-needed boost to keep you healthier overall.
Drink Water
Drinking plenty of water helps your entire body function better, including your immune system. Proper hydration has plenty of health benefits including that it helps flush toxins out of your body.
Rest Up
Just as staying active helps keep your body healthy, you also need adequate rest. Restorative sleep is key to helping your immune system function optimally. To decrease your risk of getting sick, be sure to get enough restful sleep each night.
Get Adjusted at Livingston County Chiropractic
Regular chiropractic adjustments keep your spine in proper alignment and ensure your nervous system is at its best. Adjustments help remove interferences and interruptions in the nervous system so all systems of the body can communicate efficiently and effectively.
Even when you take proper care of yourself, getting sick sometimes just happens. When your body is functioning optimally, it can fight off illness quicker meaning you will be back to feeling your best. Chiropractic care encourages your body’s natural ability to heal itself meaning you may find yourself sick less often and for shorter periods of time.
To protect yourself against illness this cold and flu season naturally, click here to contact your local Pontiac, IL chiropractor.