November 29, 2022

Tips to Help You Stop Overeating

It’s entirely possible to enjoy delicious food at Thanksgiving and practice better eating habits. By following some tips for portion control leading up to and at the big meal, you’ll be able to stop overeating so that you can feel satisfied but not stuffed after you’ve cleared your plate.

3 Tips for Portion Control to Stop Overeating

Adopt a Schedule That Works

As with so many other things in life, eating healthy is all about balance. Part of that is making sure that you’re balancing your time well and sticking to a somewhat regular eating schedule. You have regular schedules for things like sleep and exercise, so why not food as well? If you eat at around the same time every day, you won’t experience as many impulse cravings. This also helps ensure that you have more natural energy throughout the day.

Be Aware of Portion Sizes

The surest path to better eating habits is understanding how much food your body really needs and how to deliver the right amount of calories. Rather than just eyeballing your food, consider measuring and weighing what you eat. When you get into the habit of using a scale and a calorie-counting app, you empower yourself to consistently stay within your daily recommended calories and stop overeating for good.

Treat Yourself from Time to Time

Cutting out sweets and snacks entirely can create an unhealthy relationship with food. If you make cookies, pizza, and other junk food seem forbidden, it can have the adverse effect of putting them on a pedestal. If you keep track of what you eat and don’t overindulge, it can be perfectly fine to have a piece of pie at Thanksgiving or enjoy a glass of wine with your siblings. If you already practice better eating habits and follow tips for portion control, you can treat yourself from time to time and still stay on track with your weight loss goals.

Get on Track Toward a Healthier Lifestyle in Pontiac, IL

You have the power to stop overeating, but that’s just one block you need to build a healthier life for yourself. Livingston Country Chiropractic in Pontiac, IL, can help with services like our Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method as well as chiropractic adjustments. Schedule an appointment at Livingston Country Chiropractic and we’ll help give you the tools you need.