March 1, 2022

Why Proper Posture Is Important

You heard it growing up, and now your chiropractor is telling you — stop slouching! It’s important to have proper posture for good health. Discover why you should take the steps to stop slouching and correct your bad posture.

The Benefits of Proper Posture

In addition to improving your appearance, proper posture provides the following benefits:

  • Relieves stress on the body — Proper posture helps to relieve stress from the ligaments that support joints and hold them in place.
  • Improves spinal health Maintaining good posture throughout the day prevents the spine from “getting stuck” in abnormal positions
  • Minimizes wear and tear — Wear and tear on your joints can lead to arthritis as you age, causing problems with your ankles, knees, hips, and back, and proper posture can help decrease the strain on your joints.
  • Maintain alignment — The spine must be in proper alignment and unrestricted to make communication between the nervous system and the rest of the body possible.
  • Promotes better breathing — Maintaining proper posture allows you to breathe more effectively, which helps your body to receive more oxygen and feel energized.

Health Impacts of Bad Posture

The adverse effects of bad posture extend far beyond your spine and affect your overall health. Some of the negative effects of bad posture include:

  • Increased pain — As a result of poor posture, the spine’s natural curve can be altered over time, causing pain in the long run and discomfort in the short run.
  • Lack of oxygen — A slouched or slanted posture can compress your ribs and spine since your skeleton supports your entire body. As a result, the lungs can’t expand fully and will cause your whole body and every organ to be deprived of oxygen.
  • Neck and headaches — Poor posture can cause tension in the neck, resulting in headaches. In some cases, it can also radiate down to the shoulders and arms, causing discomfort or tingling in your hands.

It is never too late to stop slouching and learn how to practice proper posture. Your local Pontiac, IL chiropractor can help you overcome bad posture by restoring proper alignment to your spine. To schedule an appointment at Livingston County Chiropractic, click here.