July 13, 2021

Healthy Eating Tips for Your Summer BBQ

We all love summertime BBQ. For many, it’s a family tradition among the hottest nights of the year. But most of us also tend to overeat while we are at the event. Sometimes this happens because we are truly hungry, but other times this happens because we just enjoy the food. Here are some of the most common reasons people tend to overeat during their backyard events, and some tips on how to curb that habit and improve your overall nutrition.

Why We Overeat

There are a large number of reasons why we overeat, but most of the time it comes down to these few:

  • We’re aware that we’ll be eating later, so we do not eat during the day—this results in us overeating when we finally have the chance.
  • We ‘save up’ calories for the large dinner—most of the time, resulting in us overeating past our calories anyway.
  • Sometimes we lack self-control when presented with a large amount of great-tasting food.
  • We are pressured by family and friends into eating more because they are.

Understanding why we overeat is a huge factor in combating the habit. BBQ dinners are a fun escape from dull, usual nights, but they can leave you feeling less than your best if you are unable to pick up some healthy eating tips before heading over.

Healthy Eating Tips to Take with You

Chiropractic care is involved with all parts of your body, including your diet and nutrition habits. That is why we are concerned about your health when summertime dinners come around. These are our favorite tips for kicking that overeating habit before you get to the event.

  • Eat during the day and before you head over. You don’t want to starve your body during the day, and if you eat a snack before going over it’ll help keep your eye on the goal of enjoying yourself and not overeating.
  • Bring water with you to the event and drink plenty before the event. Water is a great way to prevent overeating while giving a full feeling and keeping you hydrated.

For more healthy living tips from Livingston County Chiropractic for the Pontiac area, just ask during your next adjustment. Click here to contact us and schedule your next appointment!