Why Try Cryoskin Therapy in 2025
January 5, 2025
Could you be reading this in a position that poses a threat to your health? Are you tilting your head forward, rounding your shoulders, or slumping your back? If you scroll through social media on your phone for a few hours, do you notice stiffness in your neck and shoulders? You may be experiencing Text Neck if you’ve experienced any pain or tension during the activities outlined above. Text Neck can be treated effectively with chiropractic care. Here’s how chiropractic adjustments can relieve neck pain caused by bad posture.
Text Neck, also known as Forward Head Position, occurs as a result of repeatedly looking at handheld or electronic devices and putting pressure on the neck and spine. While the name is humorous, it is a condition that has become more common in doctor’s offices as people spend more time sitting and staring at screens.
A human head weighs approximately 10-12 pounds. However, the Forward Head position can put up to 60 pounds of pressure on the neck at varying degrees. Your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and even your spine can become out of alignment as a result of this increased pressure and weight. Over time, this can lead to several health problems, including weakened muscles, damage to your soft tissues, and permanent changes in your spine and posture.
It is understandable that people are unlikely to stop using their devices or stop looking down at them constantly. Nonetheless, the first step is to learn how bad posture can be caused by texting or electronic devices. You can reduce strain on your neck by lifting your device to eye level; this will prevent your head from slouching forward and keep your spine in a neutral position. It is important to take frequent breaks and stretch every hour to relieve your neck and back muscles.
Text Neck can be effectively treated with chiropractic care. Chiropractic care involves repositioning misaligned vertebrae in the neck and spine. Following the physical examination, x-rays may be taken to show if any problems have been caused by Text Neck as well as how advanced the condition is. Your chiropractor will create a treatment plan designed to correct the problem, relieve your symptoms, and restore nerve function. Chiropractic adjustments, stretches, and exercises can be used to relieve painful misalignments and strengthen weakened muscles.
If you are experiencing neck pain and think it may be due to Text Neck, contact Livingston County Chiropractic. Our experienced team is here to provide you with the correct therapy for your condition with natural healing and long-term solutions to correct your bad posture.